It's limited to 200 and I assumed that by the time I read it, the Kaisu Singaporean would have gotten them all ... even those who are not fans of the show.
I don't know why but I got a very strong urge to call the Crocodile outlet at Vivo City to see if there are any remaining copies of Singapore Dreaming not redeemed. I kept putting it off until I went for my jog and got more Singapore Dreaming Postcards during my jog.
I thought "aiyah, why not just give them a call ... at the most they can just tell me that they are out of stock and I can put it off my mind"
To my surprise, I was told there's some copies left!
So off to a mad rush down to Vivo City (my friend warned me that it's Vivo City Grand Openning today) and there's even fireworks going off right in front of me when I drove there.
Reaching there, there was some crowds as expected but it wasn't that bad as my friend warned me. It was a bit difficult to navigate at Vivo City as the signs are not exactly clear. But I made it to the outlet in time before closing time.
Initially I asked if they got any copies left and they brought me to the counter. Just before they were going to get me one copy, the Mr. Kaisu in me came out and asked ... "Can I get more? for my friends"
Ever ready for rejections ... I braced myself for the "No" reply or "Company Policy" excuse but Surprise Surprise, the supervisor asked how many more copies do I want ..
Initially I wanted another 4 copies for my friends who loved this movie but before I can make it clear to the supervisor, he ask how many postcards I brought down and match the number of postcards that I brought down.
Kinda shocked but in a happy state : )

Hi this is dick su. thanks for the publicity.
Wow...Singapore Dreaming!!! Envy...
if it's the DVD i confirm want lol
guess I'll be heading down to IMM on the 10th alone :D
Stefan > Nope ... I am going with U ... I am a Dvd person too ... too lazy to change vcd a to vcd b
deed ... U want one ??
Dick Su ??? How did ya find my blog ?????? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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