Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Resolution for 2009

Inspired by Yes Man (& the Fish Feeding experience) and scared by the numerous "bank robbers" friends' requests, I am going to modify my plan to enrich my life. Instead of saying Yes to all requests, I am going to do something that I never done before in my life (or as far as I could remember).

Once a month for the 12 months of 2009. They could be something as minor as putting on underwear with both feet at the same time to learning how to play drums (haha I wonder if anyone will roll eyes at that private joke).

I am taking suggestions from friends (NOTE Friends! Not Friendly Robbers or Gay Dude trying to be extra "Friendly") on what to do each month. I have one in mind and nothing much for the rest of the year.

Check out the side column of my blog to see what I have done in each month. I will do my best to impress but Don’t expect major entry per month … I might not have the time to do so.

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