Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Turmoil of the Human Heart

I realized how easily it is to make a film that I will love ... let me tell u how (specially those who are film maker wannabe)

It was another windy day ... I pull the curtain up and saw the trees swaying mesmerising in front of me .. I was thinking of the floating yellow flowers from yesterdays and wondering that for every songs that I like or search for, must there be a story to it ? ... (John words echoing in my mind)

then my thoughts strayed into movie ... It felt like it was a scene that i seen it before and it wasn't just one movie ...

the first one that i remember was A Bittersweet life, it had a monologue about a monk and his disciple, pondering about the swaying trees and leaves ...

"Master, are the branches moving or is it the wind?"

to which the monk enlighten his disciple that

Not even glancing to where his pupil was pointing ... "That which moves is neither the branches nor the wind ... It's your hert and mind."

hmmm then it occur to me ... that wasn't the first time that a movie which I loved begin with a similar message like the one above ... and it came to me ... Ashes of Time also had one of such message flash before the movie started ...

The flags are still,
No wind blows...
It's the heart of man that's in turmoil

I am such a sucker for such message .... I remember that by the first monologue of A Bittersweet Life and the message appearing in Ashes of Time, I had already somewhat fell in love with the film already ...

Nothing is Right or Wrong but Thinking made it So ...
Henry Miller

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